Jan. 23 '10: Hoops Care Internatonal was this weekend at the Buduburam Settlement upon a special request by the Buduburam Basketball Association(BBA). The mini basket clinic started at 7AM local time. There were over 50 children in attendance at the clinic. The children were taken through several drills starting with defensive stance. They were than taken through ball handling, passing, rebound, shooting layups etc. Coaches of the BBA was in attendance to witness so that in the absence of the HCI team they can follow similar format in their training section. Some members of the junior BBA team also joined the drills and were thought some new skills. At the end of the basketball section, the children were talked to on the importance of education health and life skills. It was a totally successful section. HCI team took seven Spalding training balls for the clinic and donated it to the BBA after the clinic so that it may be use for the children basketball development. BBA coaches were glad for the donation stating that the lack of balls is slowing the children basketball skills. HCI s hoping to work closely with the BBA in establishing various project at the settlement. The Buduburam Settlement was open to host Liberians fleeing the civil war in the 90's. Presently the settlement is home to many nationals as well as locals.