Last Friday the final of the men's basketball was held at Legon between UNILAG of Nigeria and U.C.A.D. from Senegal. As expected by all, this was to be a fire cracker and the fans where not disappointed as these guys represented from the basketball power house of basketball in West Africa. Both sides met earlier in the group stages and UNILAG won with a single point margin. the lads from Senegal were not ready this time to be an underdog due to the past games. At the blast of the whistle both sides fielded their best five and it was entertainment galore from the beginning. There were ohh's and ahh's as the boys went for each other bringing in their best jump shots, layups and dunks. UNILAG led from the first quarter but slowed down in the last quarter perhaps because they felt comfortable that they had won the match. They almost had fever when the UCAD boys came near to ruining their pre-victory celebration. It was a close call in the fourth quarter and in the end UNILAG won 49-46. Hail UNILAG for being the 2008 men's basketball champions for the West Coast of Africa. Our brothers, UCAD played hard and we also congrat them for not going empty handed back home. We also send a big shout out to all athletes representing their universities from all over West Africa.

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